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Cultural treasures are among the main reasons why visitors are attracted to visiting Europe. From museums, to churches, or festivals: There is a lot to enjoy, explore, learn, and experience.
Europe is made up by a staggering majority of rural areas (about 80% of the surface), home to some 4.500 small towns and villages of less than 20.000 inhabitants each. Most of them have culturally important monuments, such as historic houses, living traditions, and cultural attractions of many kinds.
Everywhere in rural areas, you will find traces of cultural development – from ancient times to modern-day life. European culture is not only limited to urban areas, quite the opposite. Unique cultural experiences are part of rural life as well. This is what makes European culture unique all over the world!
The EUROPETOUR project aims to improve the professional qualification of stakeholders in rural cultural tourism areas. It does so by qualifying local staff in creating attractive offers and advancing their skill set in the use of social media marketing. The project equally addresses the creative industries, careful about a holistic and integrative approach to including all relevant stakeholders and unlock the economic potential for forthcoming, sustainable business opportunities across Europe.


CAST will champion in particular smart, responsible tourism technologies that will enhance the well-being of communities, support the protection of the natural and cultural environment, recognise product quality and tourist satisfaction and apply adaptive management and monitoring, following the basic principles of sustainable use of resources.
CAST believes that the new generation of tourism orientated start-ups and SMEs will principally include sustainability as a part of their entrepreneurial DNA.
CAST will be guided in the efforts by the principles of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the UN. In addition to supporting the growth of the new generation of tourism orientated start-ups and SMEs, the partners will aim to develop best practice in the area of sustainability and encourage replication of the tools and supports developed during the lifetime of the project and beyond.
CAST aims to provide incubation & acceleration support to sustainable tourism start-ups and SMEs to grow and scale, helping them generate new products, services and business models, facilitate access to finance and new markets, while also helping them build new skills and resilience.

This project [2019-1-PT01-KA202-061451] has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.